Catering Crew

Teams of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are trained and employed to work events as servers, etc. for other nonprofits, catering companies, and individuals (private parties).

Our Rise Up Catering Crew has trained hard and loves to get out to serve and feel part of the community. All of our team members have their Florida ServSafe certification.

Our Catering Crew is ready to help with your event.

Most of our Catering Crew team members worked for years at the award-winning Rise Up Cafe in downtown Sarasota.

Our team will help setup, teardown, serve, bus tables, clean dishes, and give dance lessons (some are competitive ballroom dancers!). Open your heart and thrill your guests.


Book our Rise Up Catering Crew for your next event.


83% of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not have a paid job in the community.
We need to fix that.

Of the 17% who have a paid job in the community:

Marketplace Employment Comparison

People with no disability vs. people with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD)

People with no disability


Percentage of people with no disability who have a paid job in the community

People with IDD


Percentage of people with IDD who have a paid job in the community

People with no disability


Average number of hours worked per week

People with IDD


Average number of hours worked per week

People with no disability


Average hourly wage

People with IDD


Average hourly wage

Please consider a donation to support our programs.