Inclusion Revolution's volunteer Board of Directors determines policies and handles the day-to-day legwork to promote and fulfill our mission. The board is composed of business leaders, philanthropists, educators, members of the disability community, and experts in intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Beaver Shriver
Board Chair
Beaver Shriver leads the Board of Directors and serves together with all of the Rise Up Cafe's employees, supporters and volunteers to promote a more unified and compassionate world.
The Shriver family has always been dedicated to serving and giving to others, and Beaver Shriver has continued the tradition by giving his time and financial support to many organizations, particularly those that champion for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including Shriver Education for the Arts, Big Magic Studios, Special Olympics, Best Buddies, Miracle League, Push2Inspire, Care2Tri, The Tuesday Social Club, and others.
Beaver thrives on “being in the thick of it,” and Inclusion Revolution with its Rise Up Cafes is a perfect way for him to be "hands on" and help make a dent in the unacceptable unemployment rate for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Wally Danforth

Chris Cushman

Leah Barger
Board Member
Leah was born in Sarasota, Florida and has loved living here her entire life. After attending private and public schools, she graduated from Braden River High School. Leah served two years as the Secretary of the Aktion Club at The Haven. She received a Certificate of Recognition for outstanding leadership from the Florida Youth Leadership Forum.
Currently, Leah serves as a receptionist at The Haven and volunteers at the Upscale Resale Shop. She is an avid baseball fan and enjoys her time playing at Miracle League of Manasota. She also participates in the VIP Program at The Florida Studio Theatre.